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Every day's a donorflex day for our Donorflex UK charity clients, because it's the unified CRM database that keeps them on track and inspired, whatever their focus. But that's not all. We've been doing this for 30 years, so we understand the rhythms, challenges, demands and successes that are part-and-parcel of life dedicated to supporting a charitable purpose.

About Our Partner

There are many reasons why donorflex places such importance on the relationship we enjoy with the Hospice Income Generation Network, and have done for many, many years. The most important of them is to do with our roots.

donorflex's reputation has been built steadily and on sound foundations from the very day the system was first created to address a vital need at the then West Midlands Children's Hospice Project in 1988. You know it now as Acorns.

Much has changed over almost a quarter of a century since, but what’s stayed the same is the ‘you speak, we listen’ approach that’s seen the donorflex system grow into a resource that’s used by more than half the hospice charities in the land – making us Britain’s favourite hospice database of choice.

We’re proud of that achievement, and aware that it brings great responsibilities.

In a nutshell, donorflex is what it is because of the great people we support every day of the year. Their great ideas have inspired its continuous development and ensured that we all keep pace with new practices and legislation. In return, as well as a great system, we like to give back wherever and whenever we can – and there’s no better organisation to do that with than the Hospice Income Generation Network.  

Our Ethos

There's something we tell prospective clients before they start measuring what donorflex can do for them and for their causes.

When they become part of the dedicated world of donorflex users, they buy in to much more than just a comprehensive charity management database.

They buy in to a company that cares as passionately about making a difference as they do. Everyone at donorflex shares their determination to make the most out of every day and every opportunity.

Our Products

Donorflex 10 - on target

donorflex delivers everything your team needs if you're determined to meet the challenge of competing for every pound out there, and plan to come out on top. It will handle everything from recording supporter demographic, relationship and communications data to donations, pledges, gift aid, legacies, regular giving, trusts, grants, event organisation, management income reporting and appeal campaigns, not to mention merchandise, collecting boxes, gifts in kind and much more. Here’s a flavour:

Community: Think of what you do with members of your community, the individuals, the churches, the schools, the sports clubs, the volunteers.... You go to see them, they come to see you. You provide a ready supply of support and encouragement, they provide a following and donations. It's good to keep in touch, so develop and track your relationship with them and let donorflex reap the dividends for you.

Trusts: donorflex understands that the work of a trust fundraiser is methodical and requires answers to many questions – grant application criteria, what funds are available, when, how often, for what purpose. It all needs to be collected, collated, profiled and exploited to turn that initial approach into a red letter day.

Corporate: From little seeds... Much of your work goes into establishing relationships with companies, whether they're local or national. The rewards can be enormous, both on a corporate level and among a workforce. donorflex is geared to helping you to turn a one-off commitment for a ‘charity of the year' agreement, or a payroll-giving initiative, into a link that bears fruit for years and years.

Events: Manage your annual ball, sporting events, conferences and concert performances, major training and educational events. Track special participant and delegate needs and choices, insurance fees, resource requirements, sponsor links, direct event income, event costs and profitability. Perfect integration and profiling allow you to re-use event templates year on year.

Donorflex Lottery

Given the choice, would you run separate lottery and fundraising databases and wrestle with duplication? No, neither would we.

You want to develop your players, so that they become supporters on a wider basis. And you want to explore the rich potential that comes from persuading your general supporters that a regular or occasional flutter is a fun way to give even more.

That’s not easy when those two databases – the heartbeat of your charity – live separate lives. Fortunately, by running donorflex Lottery and donorflex hand in hand you can have the best of both worlds. One cause, one database, and all that!

For organisations that understand what’s required to make the most of every day and every opportunity, it’s the only way ahead. With your energy and ideas, and our control, it’s a winner!

News 2 Mail

Instant, cheap and personal – using bulk-email to say the right thing at the right time to supporters is what every charity’s thinking about these days.

news2mail is donorflex’s own bulk-emailing solution. It’s browser-based, it’s quick, it’s intuitive and – best of all – users can start and end their mailshots in donorflex.

That means no more handing over your data to a third-party supplier for a costly, scale-based emailing service. And an end to the days of separating bulk-email targets from the rest of your database. One cause, one database, of course.

Our Service & Support

Ticks in a sales box aren’t what motivate us most. Our greatest satisfaction is seeing the great things our clients achieve using donorflex – and that means delivering service and support that’s second to none.

For instance, we know some donorflex users occasionally need a reassuring arm round the shoulder, in addition to the benefit of expert advice to help them go on setting and hitting targets.

We also appreciate that not everyone oozes confidence in front of a PC. So we take pride in our friendly, reassuring approach. If the best way to deliver it is online via GoToAssist™, for instance, that’s what we’ll do.

And, if we think you need consultation or training, rather than a helpdesk chat, we’ll tell you.

Delivering on those kind of promises isn’t always easy. But we can and do. It’s what makes us tick.


If we printed a testimonial here, you’d expect us to cherry-pick one that includes words like ‘impressed’, ‘marvellous’ or ‘outstanding’. Instead, we suggest you visit, type ‘testimonials’ in the search field and choose your own from these:

  • The world of donorflex
  • Choosing donorflex
  • Life with donorflex
  • You speak, donorflex listens
  • The support
  • The training
  • When donorflex talks....
  • The value of donorflex

Oh, all right then. Just to whet your appetite for what you can read on, here’s one we received from a happy soul following 2011’s donorflex User Conference at Birmingham’s Aston Business School:

“Please say a huge thank you from me to your team who, as always, were professional and friendly. When these events happen, it’s like a family reunion. So keep up the good work” – Michael Power, Database Manager, Hartlepool and District Hospice.


donorflex, Patrick House, Lakeside Centre, 180 Lifford Lane, Kings Norton, Birmingham B30 3NU

0845 345 7887 |